It seems that engagement is a word that is used a lot these days concerning social media. Basically it is the way that we define building and nurturing a relationship with potential customers and shareholders of the business. It also is about how we communicate with those groups of people.  What information we pass to them and that which they pass back in the form of comments, suggestions, and marketing impact.  

Social Media Marketing Plan


If your business is using social media as a marketing plan then you need to be sure that you are using it correctly. This means you did not build a business page to get followers or friends, you set it up to communicate with the audience which most should be your targeted audience.  Followers or friends are important to you social media plan but social media should be used a long term marketing tool. You use it for branding as inbound content marketing that will bring the follower to your page. The sharing of relevant and informative content on social media helps bring people to you and allows them to trust you which then will lead to conversion in the future. This all starts with engagement. Getting readers to click on your information, read it, and click on links to further information.  

Top 8 ways to engage and target the audience

We have put together the top 5 things you can do to engage and target the audience in order to convert them in to customers in the future.


Bonus ways you can engage your social media audience

Here are a few bonus ways you can engage your audience with social media.

Research how other businesses use social media to engage and target users.Speak to your target audience directly.Use comedy, kindness, and understanding. Never underestimate these emotions as they help us relate and create bonds.Make notes of others posts for idea topics.Have a blog and look for other blogs in your industry or niche and ask them to do a guest post on your blog and to do a guest post on their blog. The people who usually read the blog will see the posts and possibly find a reason to share it with their social media network. This can bring in new potential readers.Have your blog posts automatically post to your social media channels. You may require a scheduler for this but there are plenty of free schedulers available for this purpose.


Understanding how to engage and target your audience on social media is a must, especially since social media has exploded the way it has. If you wish to reach your audience and convert them to customers in the future you need to know who to make social media work for you when it comes to building trust with your audience. By posting new and engaging content in your social media channels you can keep your followers/readers coming back and sharing it on their social media network. When done properly it can be a huge benefit with future sales and continue to grow readers for years to come as well as continue to engage more people from your targeted audience.