The audience cannot be blamed for this shift. They need new things and they reserve their right to it. How long can you impress someone with some old dish? Web developers building the web know this truth. Experts ones are those who are trying every possible mean of presenting a website in a way that doesn’t online inspires users but also pursues them to take the call to action. A Thank god we have the web development framework at your rescue. Let me present the 10 web frameworks worth using in designing and developing the cutting edge webs.  

1. AngularJS

Almost all web developers now know about AngularJS, the framework by Google. It’s a JavaScript-based open-source framework. It can be used to make a single web-page application using an MVC architectural pattern. It’s a front-end framework that deals with your web pages. The currently available version 4 is making the entire wave.  

2. Laravel

Laravel is a back-end e-commerce website development tool that was introduced in 2011. After that, it has been exhibiting its capabilities all around the world. Based on PHP, Laravel is an open-source framework that can be used in developing high-quality applications. Laravel comes with dedicated dependency manager and an orientation toward syntactic sugar along with aiding application maintenance and implementation.  

3. JS

Maintained by Facebook and a huge community of developers, React.JS is an open-source JavaScript library for the development of user-interface mainly of e-commerce websites. Also, React is coming up with something new that will be known as React Fiber, a reimplementation of React.Js’s core algorithm.  

4. Ruby on Rails

Commonly known as RoR, Ruby on Rails has been web developers’ favorite choice across the world. Some well-known companies using RoR framework are Airbnb, Basecamp, and Hulu. Introduced in 2005, RoR runs on Linux and is open-source in nature. It allows developers to speed up and go to development stages. It’s an important tool of the entire e-commerce web application architecture.  

5. Node.js

When it comes to creating lightweight and efficient websites then the first choice of web developers is none other than Node.js. It smoothly works in real-time applications with a large amount of data pulsating via distributed devices. And it’s just not a framework. It provides desired scalability as it’s capable of handling many applications at the same time. No compromise in performance.  

6. Symfony

Symfony is a PHP based framework recommended for a complex web project. The best feature of Symfony is that it’s a quite stable framework that can adapt to changing business requirements. Your investment in Symfony is on the right technology if you need a high level of flexibility.