
It is the job of a web designer to give the brand a voice. A web designer is responsible to communicate the brand’s message to customers through the designs he creates. The process of creating a web design passes through the following phases:

Brainstorm and build a mood boardCreate a style tileBuild an element collageStart designingCreate a living style guideFrom a kaleidoscope of ideas comes a clear vision

  A mood board is a collage of different design elements that help us view and understand a brand better. A mood board assists in communicating through visuals what is difficult to communicate. You can ask the client to suggest a list of words with which he associates his brand or graphic design companies.   A style tile gives a visual guide for the design elements of a website. These include:

LogosHeadersBody copyButtonsColor palettesPatternsOther brand related visuals

Using a collection of colors, typography, visuals, and buttons, which are typical of the brand, create a style tile using the elements on the mood board.   Collect all the ideas for the website and make an element collage of them. Element collages give the client a walkthrough of the website in its live avatar. This is a simulation exercise. There will be changes in the design after this stage. These changes can be accommodated in the web design process.   During the design stage of a web design project, you will be doing the following activities: Translate your style tile work into real HTML/CSS to be used on your site.   A living style guide enables us to cater to the needs of the client. A living style guide can be easily updated and found on the web. Whatever changes you wish to make can be made here. A living style guide is a blot on the host.   Harness ideas from the plethora of ideas obtained during the brainstorming process. From the kaleidoscope of ideas accumulate a few and paste them on the mood board. Create a collage of ideas from the numerous ideas from the mood board.  

Why Web Design Project Deadlines are Important for a Better Setup

The deadlines for a web design project are sacrosanct. This means that notwithstanding anything in the web designing process, the design setup of a web design process gets a lot of information from other design elements. Each deadline represents an end of a particular phase of the web design process. These are very important in order for the website to have a better setup. Changes in these deadlines may be entertained based on the dynamic web design procedure. These different stages are integrated into the web design process such that the process can be well laid out as per the requirements. A web design setup is based on the different stages mentioned in the above paragraphs. The mood boards and style tiles created in the design phase act as sounding boards to verify whether the requirements of the client have been fulfilled. These can act as a reference in the web design process. Design participants can refer back to the mood board and the style tile to understand whether the web design process has been done properly. Conventional design participants require that all the stages in a web design process be followed while a website is being designed. This includes collecting information about the client’s requirements and then implementing them on the website. The more watertight the web design project deadlines, the more efficient and stylish the design. Having a deadline that varies carries no significance. A website that has a changing deadline does not see the light of the day because the client’s actual pictorial representation of the website design will never be met. However, if his inputs are valued and taken down on paper, he will like the website design better than when his inputs are taken for granted. Thus, the different stages of a website design project are important for the sake of uniformity in the design process. This means a web design project deadlines are sacrosanct. Having done everything possible with your website, let us first brainstorm and find out an idea that will help take the costs down. Not only this, I also have the potential to help you earn a part-time income from the benefits of the business. Further, only those vendors who supported our heroes during this period will come on board. Others will need to prove their mettle in a test, which has 240 questions. Once this is done, then there is no reason that a web design project will be wrongly set up. However, changes to this comfort zone are brought out when you first hear his voice.


If the web design project has enough time on its hand to handle its responsibilities and its goals, it will always be beneficial what with its first meal coming at 9 am and thereafter the project enters the critical stage where its progress is monitored. This monitoring will ensure that the things are working in fine fettle. A good web design set-up should comprise of the project stages, namely defining, communicating, implementing and finally, handing over.