The purpose of react native app development might be the same as the Flutter, but the approach can be different. Both of them are assigned to one goal; i.e experience of a truly native mobile app using a single code base. However, if react native and Flutter could only be separated by its creators, then the competition would puff away. But not only these platforms have differences the market also faces a tough time choosing between the both of them. Cross-platform is no more, a fresh and under the shelter idea. And while there are tons of other frameworks, React and Flutter has a global reputation. These platforms have flown through the major innovations and trends that are introduced with the changing year. Both of them are the shine and dime of the industry. But the question arises, whether you should be a react native app development company or Flutter? Keep your soul and body right here, as we are about to take off a journey of comparison among these 2 technologies. However, before that, let’s make the difference look better. How? By digging into a few similarities of both the framework, which might be easy to count on fingers.  

Not a Topic on Differences

A Quick and Cost-effective line of development

Both of these platforms are built as the open-source framework, with a robust speed of development. The native creation of both, allows the developer to understand and later develop the app at a minimized cost.  

Paramount support of UI

An exceptional native experience comes from the magical dust of UI. Both react native and Flutter function with the fundamentals of UI and rich-widgets. To furnish the end result as a native app on Android and iOS.  

Reflection of Modifications

With the support of hot reloading, the react native platform is good at altering the code. It also keeps the original face of the app until the final changes are done. Flutter app development comes with stateful hot reloading. So, once you have made changes in the app code, there is no need to restart. All the changes shall reflect once approved by the developers. However, just like Two of a trade, seldom agree, both platforms have their vital differences. It is only after learning them, you can decide the best platform for your business.  

1. Programming Language

React native became a no brainer for the developers, the moment it came in 2015. All because of its programming language; i.e Javascript, which has an unparalleled reputation in the market. Over the years, Javascript has created a plethora of successful apps that were rich with features and compatibility. The familiarity and reliability of Javascript give an edge of trust to react native framework. All this while, Flutter enters the development market with a whole new language; i.e Dart. This afresh entry in the market has been made combining the creativity of various languages into one. It has the edge over native app development with C and C++ lingering at its core. React native can have a slight deflection while building hybrid apps due to components like libraries, architecture, and native elements. Thus, the comparison ends with Flutter winning the first round!!  

2. Clean slate Documentation

Developers are shouldered with the utmost responsibility of securing the data of applications created. The literary term for this act is Documentation, which can be fussy with the bad choice of framework. React Native, as it seems a pretty package from Facebook, is not organized when it comes to documentation. Clumsy or chaotic is the right choice of words to describe the process. On the other hand, Flutter becomes the winner again, by providing seamless and carefree documentation. The reputation of Google makes it clear, that the process of filing data will be formatted well-enough, along with a detailed presentation.  

3. App Performance

The performance rendered under the newly flying Dart platform gives the app a robust speed under a Flutter app development company. As this framework does not use Javascript, it keeps away from the drawbacks of the language. Under the react development framework, Javascript interacted with the native components which decreased the speed of app compared to Flutter.  

4. Setup and process of Configuration

To set up a new framework into the developer machine is no cakewalk…. While healing requires years of breathing practice and Yoga exercise, a framework also needs to go through certain installations. On this account, React Native runs with the assumption that the developer has taken care of all the crucial installations. It only comes with details about Xcode that provide the help of an ant’s size.  

5. Testing Support

Whether you are experts or not, in the end, we all are humans and as a natural being, we are prone to mistakes. Testing is that single mature act in every framework allowing expert developers to test their development prior to the launch of the app. Talking about the React Native, it supports a few custom tests of the application. While the UI testing needs to be called upon using third party tools. In such cases, you cannot be sure whether all tools support and are worth relying upon. Flutter framework being the new-age development foresees the need for testing. It caters rich and intuitive testing features. And as an additional bonanza, it has an amazing widget testing feature made for testing widgets and UI. Truly, the magic of Flutter has spread like oxygen in the air !!!  

The Flair of Frameworks

The above 5 points bring a strong bifurcation to light. Flutter or React Native both have their advantages, but it all concerns to the app which decides it required a set of features. In simple words, if an app is meant to benefit from robust development speed then it should choose, React Native as its framework. However, if the innovations and creativity are the key highlighters of an app, such would require rigorous testing. And as it seems from the above points, Flutter is the ultimate choice for testing support. Thus, resting the liability of decision on developers shoulders, the “Difference between” of two framework end.