Writing fast is actually easier than we can think. In this article, we are going to reveal how you can complete your write-ups in less time without compromising a bit on the quality.  

Use a Timer

In reality, most of the writers tend to overlook the importance of timers while writing. However, a timer can serve as the most effective solution that works for almost everyone. You can proceed by setting a timer for ten, either twenty, or thirty minutes to accomplish a task. In case, you cannot think about what you want to write and stare at the blank screen then it is fine. Chances are that when your brain realizes that you are running out of time, then your brain will kick start, making your fingers do the ballet on the keys. As mentioned earlier, you do not have to write the enticing content, as it can be made enticing later. The moment your timer rings, move away from the computer. Make your brain want more. In case your timer had been ineffective, then take a break and come back after a few moments. Interestingly, the timer does not need to be a clock. You can begin writing through putting the cookies to bake, treating them as the timer. You can stop when the oven rings, and serve yourself with a cookie. You deserve a cookie for you have written something. Similarly, while traveling in a public transport such as the metro, you can begin writing and take a pause when it arrives at a station. Your fingers will rush when you realize that the station is about to come.  

Writing Freestyle

Freestyle writing is tricky in nature. Many writers find freestyle writing to be annoying, as it often requires more editing. However, with time a writer gains pace and precision, thus being able to write correct and sense-making sentences faster. Though it might not work for some writers in the initial stages, with practice they can achieve expert skills in freestyle writing. In case, you are pressed for time and want to be done with writing in less time, then you can open the Microsoft Word Document, and begin typing. You do not need to worry about how it will sound. It does not matter if your sentences are correct in term of grammar and sense. Do not look at the clock, and just write it. Many expert writers working at the ghostwriting LLC count on this technique to accomplish the tasks, meeting the deadlines effectively. Editing a write up within ten minutes is enough and effective for a writer to produce quality content. There is no magic behind it, you can just let the brain enjoy freedom, and it will reward you with a completed content piece in less time.  

Turn Off the Spell Check

The red-underlined error is often annoying for many writers. It makes one think that obviously it is the first draft and can require corrections that will be made at the time of revision. Having said, if you among the writers who are put off by the spell check, then you can turn it off. The users of Microsoft 2010 can click on the dark blue colored tab at the left side of the screen, click on Options>Proofing, and tap on the “Check Spelling as You Type”. In addition, you can uncheck the other options that might interrupt you while writing such as the “Mark Grammar error while writing”. Also, you can check all the errors by clicking on the Review>Spelling & Grammar Check, where these options are placed at the top of the software. Through doing this, you will identify that your idea is flowing naturally and writing will become comfortable.  

Final Words

You cannot improve the writing and make it profession without writing at all. You can focus on writing first, and then spend some time on revising, and editing. You will eventually notice that there is not much difference between the fast writing and the normal one. As you are done with the research, wrote an outline, and edited it, you have already made it professional.