Do some soul-searching and decide what matters most to you with an internet service provider.

Smart TVGame system and game consolesLaptop/desktop computerSmartphoneTabletsSmart security devices

Ideally, your contract ends soon and you can choose a new internet service provider with no strings attached. If you’re still far from the end of your contract, you’ll likely incur some extra fees if you cancel. This table will give you an idea of what contract and cancellation fees look like for some major internet service providers.

Upload speed and download speeds—More internet speed means your devices will work that much faster. You’ll get better streaming, quicker search results, and more seamless gaming. Data caps—You know you’ve reached a data cap when your broadband slows down and stays slowed down. Sometimes this is called a “brown-out.” Make sure your data cap seems reasonable for your needs. Monthly cost—More internet speed also generally means more expensive. Find out how much internet you need and find the best price for upload and download speeds. Up-front costs—Make sure to read the fine print in the contract with your new service provider. Some providers charge expensive up-front costs, and some providers set you up for free. Bundling options—If you’re also thinking of changing your TV and phone service providers, try bundling everything together with your internet. You can often save some money by getting those services from the same provider.