And third-party app stores? Flat out avoid them.2 But lucky you, Apple users, because the Apple App Store has been named one of the safest places to download apps.2 Okay, that’s great for Apple fans. But for those of us who can’t or don’t use the Apple App Store, how do you spot a bad app before you download it? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are a few tips for identifying and protecting your phone from apps that might just be hiding something vile. We mentioned that Apple’s App Store is one of the safest places to download apps.5 Apple users won’t see a verified or other security callout when they download apps—but those apps are technically verified before they even hit the App Store. That doesn’t mean Apple users should completely disregard these tips and download whatever they want, though. If you’re loading up your iPhone or iPad with games and fun apps your bestie recommended, stick to the official App store and be mindful of tips two through six. Okay, now that we’ve covered Apple folks, let’s talk about the Google Play Store. When you download an app from the Google Play Store, look for the “Verified by Play Protect” callout just under the app name. This appears only after you hit “Install,” so if you don’t see it once you hit that button, we advise mashing “Cancel.” If the app description is poorly written or nonexistent, you’re right to be suspicious. The same thing goes if the app’s contact info is an unofficial-looking email like “” And goofy emails are especially suspicious if an app claims to be published by a well-known organization like the WHO or the Mayo Clinic. If your phone is bombarded by pop-ups—even pop-ups that aren’t ads but look like system warnings or reminders—you might have adware. That means it’s time to check for and uninstall any suspicious apps. Oftentimes these ads will pop up over other legitimate apps and even your device’s main controls. If you suspect you have adware, avoid clicking on those ad pop-ups because they may also download more malicious software to your phone or tablet. Why might your data use spike if you have adware? Because this type of malware performs unsolicited clicks in the background without you even knowing. If you spot a spike in your data usage and can identify the problematic app, uninstall it right away. Mobile security software can be your first line of defense if you stumble upon malware. It can alert you to suspicious apps and downloads before you even click, making it much easier for you to spot fake apps. And many mobile security apps help you scrub and keep your phone clear of nasty surprises too. But which security apps are good? Here are a few of our favorites: Follow these steps to make sure your Play Protect is on: For Android users: On Android phones, you can scan through all your apps by going to Settings → Apps. Make sure you have every app displayed by selecting “All” in the drop-down menu at the top, then start scanning through the list. For iOS users: Turning your phone off gives you time to research your problem and (hopefully) figure out a solution. If your research doesn’t turn up anything helpful, we recommend installing a mobile security app like the ones we recommend above to help you pinpoint and get rid of the problematic app.

How to Spot Malicious Apps  6 Tips to Protect Your Phone - 3How to Spot Malicious Apps  6 Tips to Protect Your Phone - 55How to Spot Malicious Apps  6 Tips to Protect Your Phone - 82How to Spot Malicious Apps  6 Tips to Protect Your Phone - 12How to Spot Malicious Apps  6 Tips to Protect Your Phone - 32