Obviously a question hit your consciousness, – what’s the fear and why??? As an SEO Consultant, I feel that fear, which is caused due to hunting new ways and met most of the time with the failure. But the scenario has been changed, now optimizers are accepting challenges and trying new ways to get results. Sometimes it will help to get dreamt results, but sometimes not. Well, that’s not the point of this write-up. Here, we will try to reveal upcoming trends that will help us to improve our work and promotional strategies. As Google already signified that 2020 will be a tough year for digital marketers, marketers need to prepare new ways and strategies. Here are they:

Be socialized in 2020

The years have come and pass, but the worth of Social Media Optimization never faded down due to any reason. With every passing moment, it has been grown and appears strongly. Similarly, in 2020, companies have to be active on several available social media platforms such as – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Delicious, Folks, Google Plus, and so on. Right, Approach to connect with the right audience? As a business person, we always look to get a connection with the right audience and never wants to interact irrelevant or impatient audience. But what will be the right approach to get connected with the right audience? Here it is:

First, complete your profile with genuine informationCreate a “call to action” on your profilesThen invite relevant audience through direct invitationActively participate in relevant groupsActively post (video, text, and images) on your profileCreate a cross-connection between different social profilesLike, share and follow relevant posts and encourage others to do the same

Provide multimedia convenience to the user

Let’s start it with a question – What makes a user return to your website? Think twice for the reason and surely, you will get a great solution for your digital marketing campaign. Didn’t get it yet? Alright, according to a recent survey, a user wants to access a web portal through its mobile phone, laptop, desktop, and even iPad with the same feel and functionality. Which means a business needs to opt a responsive layout for their website or online store. Providing multimedia convenience will make your audience more comfortable while accessing your website online. Even it will help a business to get in search results on mobile searches as per Google’s Mobilegeddon Update. More than that, having a responsive website that gives multimedia convenience to the user will help to build a better user experience, match to the requirement of different viewports and get indexed on different search engines easily.

Go in the depth of Content Marketing

As an SEO consultant, I have rapidly been using content marketing approaches from the time of beginning and it will help me to get the desired results as well. But the thing that commonly assumed about content marketing is “it only refers to blogging or article submission”. But in reality, that’s not. Any media that can spread your information around the globe and interact with the right audience will be considered under content marketing either it is a text version or other medium like – audio, video, or pictures (images). In the recent scenarios, people love to view and interact with graphical mediums rather than text format and due to that, video content gradually increases their worth compare with articles, blogs, and images. Although blogging still has the same impact on online promotions and user loves to read information, stories, personal experience, and other interesting content through different blogs. According to the stats (available on B2C.com), more than 87% of users follow video content to get information or to get to know about the practical implementation of different things, while blogging provides theoretical details only. Let’s check out beneath graph to know the worth of different content marketing mediums:

Be associated with SEO

Digital Marketing revolutionized every year and comes up with new approaches to target and to convert a user into a customer. While a few years back, it was considered as a branding and promotional approach, nowadays, SEO specialists and business persons treat it like a lead generation technique. Where we work to grab attention, promote desired things, and try to convert a user into a customer. Even most business associates think that SEO doesn’t have the same impact on business and should be considered as a temporary or a substitute approach to promotion. Check this article to be updated. Well, whatever comes as a revolution, the traditional approach never gets faded. In the current scenario, everything considered to generate business and ROI, but SEO works to make roots strong. Through continual promotions and different link building approaches, SEO creates an online value, which results positively in the future and generates a great ROI.

Inherit SXO, ASO, and CRO in the marketing strategies

More than traditional SEO, digital marketing needs more efforts in terms of client satisfaction, which is known as user experience. This user experience denoted by the combined form – SXO (search experience optimization) where SEO specialists work to enhance user experience through search engines. Along with SXO, in 2020, Digital marketing specialists needed to focus on ASO and CRO. ASO tends to App Store Optimization and CRO tends to Conversion Rate Optimization. As per the increasing number of mobile applications, businesses want to optimize their store to boost the application’s performance and get better user interaction as well. On the other side, in paid marketing, SEO consultant offers CRO services to the businesses to analyze Conversion Rate through marketing campaigns.


The current year 2020 seems to be tough for Digital Marketing Specialists as Google already has tightened up its search algorithm by adapting the machine learning system. Check out the trends of Digital Marketing that can help to improve branding and promotions in 2020!

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As an SEO Specialist in NOTO Solutions, Anurag Gupta loves to write on different topics to make his audience more comfortable while reading. He loves to play with words and write on different domains, he associated with or love to write. Here, he has come with his recent write-up on “Digital Marketing Trends – Things to Follow in 2020!”. Keep enjoying this write up! Find me on Facebook, Googel+, and LinkedIn