Promotion is a huge part of content marketing and yet, it is one of the most common things marketers fail at. At a point where you’ve finished creating your marketing campaign and have your content ready to be published, you get a feeling like your job is done. This is normal and unfortunately, very common. However, it is also a mistake. The web is a very crowded place. With good content and fine design, you have achieved a lot. But, you are only halfway to reaching success with it. Whether it is insufficient resources, increasing competition, unrealistic expectations, or badly planned publishing schedules – one reason or the other will ruin your chances of actually doing something with that finely written content. To avoid this, here is what you do.

You created an amazing piece of content or hired one of the writers on the Internet to ensure this part is perfect. Now you have content filled with relevant information and just the right amount of keywords. Your post is high in search engines, but the traffic isn’t really increasing. If this sounds familiar, you are in desperate need of some peer help. When we say peers, we mean influencers. These are the people who can help you with your content promotion. Find those who share similar content to yours and succeeded in it. Tools like BuzzSumo can help you with this. Don’t aim for the most successful in the industry – they are least likely to notice you. Once you get a list of influencers in the field, reach them and ask them to share your content. Since they already have similar content, your quality writing should peak their interest.

What does this mean? Content syndication is a process of using your previously published content to target more audience. This should increase the reach of your content and drive traffic, both of which are surely goals of your content promotion strategy. To do so, you should set up goals for the leads, backlinks, traffic, and awareness and move on to locating partners in the syndication process. Finding those partners will tell you where to guest post, who to send email pitches to, and who to build a relationship with. These are all great strategies for forming a professional collaboration with bloggers in your field.

You probably already thought of this when planning your content promotion strategy, but you might have missed a couple of details. Using social media shouldn’t be limited to just publishing your content on the platforms at the right time. If you wish to attract traffic, you need to share it in the places where your target audience can actually see it. Share the content in groups and communities on social media to get more exposure. Join communities where you share the best and most successful work, be active and take part in discussions, and comment on others’ content. This will help you do many things at once – attract traffic, build relationships, build trust and promote your own brand.


Three tactics might seem as little and if you think this, you’d be right. These are just the start of your large content promotion strategy. However, they are an excellent and essential start. Without these three steps, you cannot really move further with your content, no matter how great it already is.