Nowadays, we’ve got voice search technology, which means we can do our searching hands-free. When Google first introduced it in 2011, voice search was more of a novelty than anything else. However, speech recognition technology has vastly improved, which has catapulted voice search to the top of search marketing. If you’d like to learn more about how smart speakers and voice search is changing the habits of the consumer, the following voice search stats and voice search trends will be helpful.

General Voice Search Stats 2023

Voice Search Usage Stats

Voice Search Popularity Statistics

Voice Commerce Stats

Voice Search Demographic Stats

Voice Search Mobile Stats

Voice Search Device Stats

Voice Search SEO Stats

Voice Search Marketing Stats

Voice Assistant Stats

Siri Voice Search Stats

Google Voice Search Statistics

Voice Search Future Stats

Wrapping Up

Voice search trends and statistics show that voice search is more than a passing trend. It’s gaining widespread acceptance rapidly, and it looks like it’s here to stay. No wonder the stats are so impressive. It’s easier to speak with a voice assistant than type, and a voice search is faster. Wait a couple of years, and who knows, half of all online searches could be by voice. We found the statistics we’ve used for this post by visiting various websites, including:

DBS Interactive Algolia Findstack Invoca Emarketer Safe At Last TechJury FirstSiteGuide


Amazing Voice Search Stats 2023  Facts and Trends  - 55Amazing Voice Search Stats 2023  Facts and Trends  - 93Amazing Voice Search Stats 2023  Facts and Trends  - 86Amazing Voice Search Stats 2023  Facts and Trends  - 75Amazing Voice Search Stats 2023  Facts and Trends  - 59Amazing Voice Search Stats 2023  Facts and Trends  - 84