Whether calculating productivity in terms of revenue, labor, or tasks, the information can help you make informed decisions about how you operate your business. If you’re looking to boost your performance this year, take note of the following productivity stats and facts.

Key Productivity Facts 2023

What exactly is productivity, and how is it measured?

Workplace Productivity Statistics 2023

Workplace productivity measures how much “work” gets done within a time period and can be measured by the output per work hour or per worker. Factors like communication, technology, and employee engagement can greatly affect productivity in the workplace.

Productivity and Communication Statistics

Productivity and Technology Statistics

Productivity and Employee Engagement Statistics

Working from Home and Productivity Statistics

Jobs that offer remote work to employees are becoming increasingly popular. But is it wise for companies to “go remote”? Just how does working from home affect productivity?

Work-Life Balance and Productivity Statistics 2023

If productivity measures the amount of work being done, does doing more work make you more productive? Not necessarily. Work-life balance is an important factor for personal productivity.

Employee Productivity Statistics 2023

Employees are at the crux of productivity. What factors influence employee productivity, and how can the average employee improve their productivity in the workplace?

General Employee Productivity Statistics

Factors Causing Low Employee Productivity Statistics

Factors Improving Employee Productivity Statistics

Productivity by Country

Which countries are the most productive? Below are the top 10 ranked OECD countries from 2020 based on the level of GDP per capita in USD, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Luxembourg ($118.73) Ireland ($95.51) Switzerland ($71.71) Norway ($63.29) United States ($63.29) Denmark ($60.56) Netherlands ($59.33) Austria ($55.65) Iceland ($55.21) Sweden ($54.91)

Productivity by Industry Statistics 2023

Each industry has its own challenges to overcome when it comes to productivity growth. Consider the following industry-specific statistics.

Sales Industry Productivity Stats

Construction Industry Productivity Stats

Agriculture Industry Productivity Stats

Manufacturing Industry Productivity Stats

Productivity Challenges Statistics 2023

Employees may be the ones responsible for getting work done, but businesses must be held accountable too. What are some of the most detrimental issues an organization faces when it comes to worker productivity?

Solutions to Productivity Challenges Statistics 2023

Companies looking to improve productivity need to work from the inside out. Investing in high-quality leadership and creating a positive workplace culture will draw in the happy, highly engaged workers needed for optimum productivity.

Other Interesting Productivity Statistics 2023

Countless factors may be taken into consideration when calculating workforce productivity. Here are a few other interesting facts and statistics to ponder.

What is a good or acceptable productivity rate?

A “good” or even “acceptable” productivity rate is incredibly subjective. However, experts suggest implementing a “70% rule” to help improve productivity. If a worker continuously performs at maximum capacity, he or she runs the risk of burning out. The 70% rule suggests working most of the time productively but with less intensity. This allows the employee some mental reserve to respond to any short-term urgent demands that may arise. Implementing the 70% rule involves taking mini-breaks during the workday, reserving unscheduled work time, and taking periodic vacations.

What percentage of the workday is productive?

If the average employee is productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes each day, this amounts to approximately 36% of the working day. Freelancers, on the other hand, are productive for about 87.5% of the working day.

What percentage of workers claim that stress negatively affects productivity?

Stress negatively affects productivity for 41% of workers. Additionally, 33% say stress lowers their engagement at work.


If you want your business to thrive, understanding and growing productivity is crucial. The key to maximum productivity in the workplace is not more work done, but satisfied employees who feel supported by their employers and enjoy the work they do. Statistics for this article were collected from the following sources:

Bryan College Condeco Digital in the Round IndustryWeek Forbes Gallup GlobeNewsWire GoRemotely Harvard Business Review Health Advocate Insync McKinsey & Company NIST OECD Policy Advice ProofHub Sales Hacker Stress.org TeamStage Tech Republic The American Farm Bureau Federation Tiny Pulse Training Industry Upwork U.S. Bureau of Labor and StatisticsVoucherCloud WhatIs.com Workplace Gender Equality Agency


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