Boost your traffic with the synonyms ranking technique

We all understand the importance of keywords in SEO ranking. To understand the importance of keywords in SEO check to garner deep insight. Since the introduction of Google’s Hummingbird, searching material on the internet has entirely changed. This tool focuses on the need behind your search query. This is the reason why sometimes you get different results from what you needed. Hummingbird is interested in context more than keywords. Synonyms in this sense do not mean to using words with identical meaning. Rather this is a logical path that is followed.  

No one is proof to broken links. Even most authoritative and popular web sources constantly face broken links issues as well.  So how can you use them to your advantage? If your competitor has broken links that have huge numbers of link juice emanating from a number of referring domains, you can turn this to work for you. You need to find the broken links first. From there export them and see which ones are best suited to the style of your site. There is a temptation to duplicate the content of pages with many links and a number of referring domains. Your challenge is to recreate the content by providing more insightful information which is equally relevant. The quality has to be undeniably better than that first copy. Save the broken links that are suited for your site. Then run an analysis using Site Explorer to check the backlinks of the URLs that intrigue you. The stats will give you a clear picture of who linked to which content. Then you can contact the owners of the site with broken links to suggest that they might have to replace their broken links with something of value that you’ve worked on during the thought process, hence the variations in the meaning.  

Wikipedia is highly relied upon for objective and impartial information. It is one of the most trusted web sources. With such an authority, getting a link from it sparks interest. Promoting yourself through Wikipedia is a tough job. To benefit from it, you have to spot for broken link opportunities in their articles. They have a page dedicated for links so it is an easy job to find broken links. Pick links to information that is in your field. Come up with a new copy with in-depth and objective information which you can send them to replace their broken links with. Here, you have to stay on top of your game, quality is necessary.  

Get Keyword Ideas from Wikipedia

Wikipedia has almost all the information that anyone can need. It is the place to go to gain the first impression on a subject. Since their content is centered on information and not keywords, their information can offer your fresh organic keywords on topics that are relevant to you.  

Diversifying the links that point to your content makes search engines believe that you’re putting lots of effort to build a natural profile of your site. Focus your efforts on being useful to the user than centering your efforts on SEO. Such profile implies that you are adaptable especially if you use a specific strategy that shows consistency.  

Use Influencer Marketing

This is mostly used to frame the content of your marketing statements. In this case, you employ influencers to amplify your messages. But for them to join your train, you need to have some kind of wisdom that needs to be shared to others. To seduce them, you must learn to tell human stories, share experiences that relate to you and which others can easily identify with. Influencers are people with massive numbers of followers on their back, when they share your content, be sure that it will cross many avenues and get people talking about you. Part of what is known as the capital image of the influencer is transferred to you.