We look at some stats and facts about the company, its usage, and more.

Key Baidu Stats and Facts 2023

Baidu Market Share Statistics 2023

Baidu User Statistics 2023

Baidu Mobile App Stats 2023

Baidu Search Statistics 2023

Baidu vs. Google Stats 2023

Baidu Revenue Statistics

Additional Baidu Stats and Facts 2023

How many searches on Baidu per day?

Baidu has a very active community with 1.54 billion searches on the platform daily. Nearly 98% of these searches originate in China. Google has 5.6 billion searches daily, nearly four times as high. But this is more than Bing, which has 900 million per day.

What percentage of Baidu ads are clicked?

The actual number of ads that are clicked on Baidu is not revealed in the data. However, Baidu does prioritize those who’ve paid for a higher position over those that are organic. Therefore, a searcher is more likely to click on an advert than click on an organic search. And paid adverts are not distinguishable from organic searches on a search page either.

What percentage of paid advertising is Baidu?

Baidu has an 84% market share in China for all search engines. It earns 17% of the total corporate spending for digital advertising in China. Far higher than the nearest competitors and drives 98% of the company’s revenues.


Baidu is the biggest search engine in China and one of the biggest search engines in the world. Those who wish to sell in China will need to become familiar with the platform as, without a presence on the site, they will find it challenging to gain access to the lucrative market. Sources:

Wikipedia Market US Expanded Ramblings Search Engine Journal Web Tribunal Similar Web PR News Wire Bright Edge Market Machina


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