Keep reading if you want to know more about this popular hosting provider.

General BlueHost Stats and Facts 2023

BlueHost Market Share Statistics 2023

BlueHost Industry Statistics 2023

BlueHost User and Demographics Stats 2023

BlueHost Usage Statistics 2023

Benefits of BlueHost Statistics 2023

BlueHost vs HostGator Stats 2023

Reseller BlueHost Statistics 2023

BlueHost Revenue and Growth Statistics 2023

Quick Facts About BlueHost 2023

What percentage of websites are BlueHost websites?

1.3% of all websites are hosted by the web hosting provider BlueHost. The number of websites has increased by more than 70% in a couple of years.

How many customers does GoDaddy have?

GoDaddy has a worldwide community of more than 20 million customers, which is an increase of 7.1% year over year.


As you can tell from the stats and facts above, BlueHost is an outstanding all-around provider if you’re looking for reliable web hosting for your website. Industry competition is pretty strong at the moment, but BlueHost manages to provide top services in terms of flexibility, reliability, protection, and speed. Whether you’re a new blogger or an e-Commerce store looking for new web hosting, you’ll find BlueHost can cater to your needs. The following sources were used to help compile these BlueHost stats and facts:

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