Relatively new compared to other platforms like it, Discord still has a long way to success, but progress is being made. Here’s a look at Discord stats for those interested in getting started.

General Discord Statistics 2023

Discord Stats for Users 2023

Discord Revenue Statistics 

Discord Server Statistics

How old is the average Discord user?

Discord primarily targets adult gamers, putting the expected average age at 30 to 33 years old. Based on user experience, the average age of a discord user was 20 at the beginning. More recently, the average age of discord users is around 16 years old.

How many messages are sent on Discord?

On average, around 850 million messages a day is sent on Discord. That is around 25 billion a month!

What percentage of the Discord users got to test the video call?

In 2017 when Discord began testing for video call features, around 5% of users got to test it.

What percentage of users use light mode Discord?

Discord automatically defaults to dark mode, and most people prefer it. Therefore, only around 5-10% of Discord users use Light Mode Discord.

What country uses Discord the most?

On the browser version, the US generates the most traffic for discord at about 30% of global traffic. Canada comes in second at around 5% for traffic brought to Discord.


In a world where staying connected to each other is so important, there are many social platforms to choose from. Discord is leading its own way, listening to users, and finding success over time. The previous Discord stats show that slow and steady wins the race. Discord has been improving year by year, ultimately with user experience in mind. Sources:

Discord | Your Place to Talk and Hang Out Discord Statistics: Revenue, Users & More 5 Ways Young People Are Using Discord – The New York Times Discord crosses 250 million users as it hits 4-year anniversary | VentureBeat What Is Everybody Doing on Discord? – WSJ What is the biggest Discord server? – Gaming Section : Magazine Gaming, E-sport, Jeux vidéo, Reviews, Trucs & Astuces Discord Revenue and Usage Statistics (2022) – Business of Apps Discord statistics and facts 2022 | LEVVVEL Dark Mode by Default – 95% Prefer Dark over Light Mode | Polar Discord starts testing video chat and screen sharing with 5% of its gamers | VentureBeat


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